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druckerfreundliche Ausgabe!


«Wer unwissend ist, muss glauben.»

Politische Korrektheit betrachtete er als eine verbreitete, verlogene Strategie der Realitätsvermeidung. George Carlin

«Ich weiß, daß Sie glauben, Sie wüßten, was ich Ihrer Ansicht nach gesagt habe. Aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ihnen klar ist, daß das, was Sie gehört haben, nicht das ist, was ich meinte.» Alan Greenspan

“World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation’s economic structure, but can extend that control world wide. Those possessing such power would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average citizen.” Aldous Huxley

“There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
Nelson Mandela

«Man muss auf seinen eigenen Wert stolz sein und den der anderen achten können. Sully Prudhomme

«Holding on to anger or hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.»

«Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.»

Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha

«The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head.»
Terry Pratchett

«As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.» Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, 1207–73

«Unsere Gesellschaft wird von Verrückten geführt, für verrückte Ziele. Ich glaube wir werden von Wahnsinnigen gelenkt, zu einem wahnsinnigen Ende, und ich glaube ich werde als Wahnsinniger eingesperrt, weil ich das sage. Das ist das Wahnsinnige daran.» John Lennon Quelle (Originalton)

John Lennon ist nicht eingesperrt worden, er wurde liquidiert, wie vor ihm schon andere: MLK, JFK usw. So läuft das in USA..

«If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change..» Michael Jackson

«Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die Du Dir wünschst für diese Welt.» Mahatma Gandhi

«Militärpersonal ist blödes, dummes Vieh, welches man als Bauernopfer in der Aussenpolitik benutzt.» Henry Kissinger Quelle

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” Source

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has given a chilling assessment of a new geopolitical situation taking shape amid the Ukrainian crisis, warning of a possible new Cold War and calling the West’s approach to the crisis a “fatal mistake.” The 91-year-old diplomat characterized the tense relations as exhibiting the danger of “another Cold War.” “This danger does exist and we can't ignore it,” Kissinger said. He warned that ignoring this danger any further may result in a “tragedy,” he told Germany’s Der Spiegel. Source

Lust auf Weltveränderung?

«Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die Du Dir wünschst für diese Welt.»
Mahatma Gandhi

«If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change.»
Michael Jackson

"It’s the tragedy of our times that lunatics must lead the blind."
W. Shakespeare, King Lear

«Das ist die Seuche unserer Zeit – Verrückte führen Blinde.»

«Таков наш век: слепых ведут безумцы.» У. Шекспир

“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.“
Ancient proverb from Greece (misattributed to Euripides)

«Wen die Götter vernichten wollen, den machen sie zuerst wahnsinnig.»

«Тех, кого Бог хочет уничтожить, он сначала лишает разума.» Греческий драматург Еврипи (?)

“The war made us stronger, but has crushed the economy,” Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said, the boss of a bankrupt country which lost between 60 and 70 percent of its military hardware in the fighting in 2014 against the people of East Ukraine. The logics of one of the predatory Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine.

«Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente est un crime oublié, parce qu'il a été proprement fait. » Honoré de Balzac, 1835

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime."

«Hinter jedem grossen Vermögen steht ein Verbrechen.»

«За каждым богатством кроется преступление.» Оноре де Бальзак

"The word will go out to the nations of the world that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal," Henry Kissinger warned Richard Nixon in 1968.

“I won’t beat you,” says Bad Vlad. “I’ll let you to beat yourself.” Source

Wer die Wahrheit sucht, darf nicht erschrecken, wenn er sie findet.

Niemand ist so blind wie der, der nicht sehen will.

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

Никто так не слеп, как тот, кто не хочет видеть.

Truth is treason in the empire of lies (U.S.A.). Ron Paul

I am for truth, no matter who tells it.. Mahatma Gandhi

«Russland hört nicht mein Handy ab. Russland liest nicht meine Mails mit. Russland hetzt nicht die ganze Welt in den Krieg gegen den Terror, den sie selbst machen. Russland spielt sich nicht als Weltpolizist auf. Russland greift keine Länder an die nichts getan haben! Ich will keinen Krieg in Europa!» Marc Weber, Leserbrief im Blick, Schweiz, 10.2014

"Through Russia, not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism – no! But comes the hope of the world freedom – freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world." Edgar Cayce, prediction for Russia

Udo Ulfkotte Udo Ulfkotte reveals in his bestseller "Bought Journalism", how he was "taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public."

Richtigstellungen zur Geschiche … Zitatte (bei Honigmann)

One of our first hurdles is to get people to understand that most of us live in occupied countries, but not in the traditional sense. Yes, outsiders have a role, especially when international drug and organized crime money is flowing into political campaigns like a Mississippi River.

Jim W. Dean

The whole purpose of International Law is to legitimate the use of force by the Western powers, mainly the United States.

Matthew Yglesias (as quoted by Chomsky)

Actually there is no good definition that defines terrorism, so that it includes what they do to us, but doesn’t include what we do to them, which is usually much worse.

Noam Chomsky

Nur die dümmsten Kälber wählen ihre Schlächter selber. Bertolt Brecht

Dumm ist bei der Sache, dass dem Stimmvieh immer mehr die Augen aufgehen, und wirklich nur noch die Allerdümmsten einfach nicht sehen wollen – und dabei können die Allerdümmsten sehr intelligent sein.

«Die größte "Seuche", die wir haben, ist Amerika und sein Anspruch auf die Führungsposition. Die Ukraine und andere Dinge dienen dabei nur als Vorwand.» Michail Gorbatschow, als Antwort auf Barack Obamas UNO-Rede vom 24.9.2014, als er Russland neben Ebola und dem IS-Terror als eines der drei grössten Übel der Welt bezeichnete.

“I am a German citzien. My grandfather had to go to war in World War II. He was no Nazi, he only wanted to live in peace. As a prisoner of war he was for a long time in Sibira. It was a hard time. But he always said: Russian people have a heart and a soul – Americans don't. Russia and Germany were friends for a long time in history. The wars of the 20th century were catastrophic for both. Russia and Germany should work together. The German Government of today is not my government. These people are traitors, they are enemies of Russia and of true Germany. I hope Russia will succeed and drive NATO and US war criminals to hell." Manfred Ruppert in RT, 31.8.2014

“We will destroy your country and bring it back to the stone age.”

U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, III to then Foreign Minister of Iraq Tariq Aziz

This is the criminal US/NATO doctrine for countries that do not comply.

Key words: "shock and awe", "target and terrorize the civilian population"

“If the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.” George H.W. Bush

“I think there will be another attack (after 9/11). And next time, I think it’s likely to be far deadlier than the last one. You can just imagine what would happen if somebody could smuggle a nuclear device, put it in a shipping container, and drive it down the Beltway outside of Washington, D.C." – Dick Cheney on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. As an insider he must know.

Weltpolitik – World Politics –


Bücher – Books – Книги

Palestine is NOT the Jews’ Promised Land (new book)

Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Guantanamo Diary. One man’s account of rendition, torture and detention without charge at the hands of the US – mit Audios in gepflegtem Englisch. Must see! It's about the torturing practices of the most horrible nation on the planet.

Die Wurzeln der Brüsseler EU

Wir sind die Guten. Ansichten eines Putinverstehers oder wie uns die Medien manipulieren.

Gekaufte Journalisten. Wie Politiker, Geheimdienste und Hochfinanz Deutschlands Massenmedien lenken. Vion Udo Ulfkotte

«Купленная журналистика–, новая книга Удо Ульфкотте, Германия


Artikel im Internet: neueste oben

Articles in the Internet: newest on top
Статья в интернете: новые ссылки вверху

Meine subjektive Auswahl | My subjective selection | Мой субъективный выбор.

Wer unwissend ist, muss glauben. | Who is ignorant, must believe. | Кто не знает, должен верить.


Angela Merkel: Unter ihren müden Augen zerfällt die EU

Juristen verzweifelt: EU hat vergessen, den Euro-Crash zu regulieren

Angela Merkel - The Empress Without Clothes

Damals wurde er verhöhnt: Gysi sagte Euro-Crash präzise voraus

Augenzeugen-Bericht aus Griechenland: Wirtschaft vor dem Kollaps

Andreas Popp: Die Abschaffung des Bargeldes (Video)

Alle Macht der Clique: Merkels eiskalte Vision für Europa

Unmündigkeit als Ursache des Unterganges. Das deutsche Volk.

Andreas Popp zu TTIP – Interview bei RT Deutsch

Andreas Popp: Griechenland als Ablenkungsmanöver (Video)

A Top Russian Public Intellectual Slams Central Bankers as Stooges for the IMF (Sergey Glazyev)
Они просто выполняют рекомендации из Вашингтона

Sehr starke Rede zur Griechen-Tragöde: Gysi entzaubert die selbstgefällige Kanzlerin

The Situation in Crimea

Die Weltwoche 2014 über Junker: «Wenn es ernst wird, muss man lügen»

List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II

Let's Be Honest - Stalin Was Less of a Criminal Than Churchill, Truman, and LBJ

GCHQ and NSA broke antivirus software so that they could spy on people, leaks indicate

Facebook now harvesting the list of all the other websites you visit: total online surveillance is here

Das Ende der Demokratie in Europa: Volksabstimmung? Banken-Schließung!

Anti-russische Hetze in niederländischen Schulbüchern
Dutch School Book Depicts Russia as a Monster Devouring Ukraine

«Nach dem Chaos-Samstag bei den Euro-Finanzministern weiß niemand, wies es weitergeht. Die Euro-Zone präsentiert sich als Truppe von Dilettanten, die die Nerven verlieren und nicht verhandeln können – kleine Diktatoren, die zu zittern beginnen, wenn die Kofferträger den Raum verlassen. Man möchte von diesen Leuten nicht regiert werden.» Quelle

“The question is just when”: Max Blumenthal on war in the Gaza Strip’s past — and its future

Bertolt Brecht: An die Nachgeborenen (Aufnahme 1939)

Here's the Difference Between Russian and Western Civilizations (Starikov, Video in Russian, English subtitles)

«Dann habt ihr es nicht verdient, Europa genannt zu werden»

EU will militärische Strukturen gegen die Bürger aufbauen

We restarted the Cold War: The real story about the NATO buildup that the New York Times won’t tell you

Warum es gute und schlechte Diktatoren gibt

After 15 Years of Killing Journalists Pentagon Writes It Into Manual

NATO Troops Train to Take On Pro-Russian Rebels

Goldman Sachs: Ukraine Will Default in July

Putin’s approval rating hits historic high at 89 percent

The Western Coup in Ukraine May Self Destruct Yet

Will the “Gay Mafia” Take Over America Again?

US “Freeing” Armenia: The Interests That Power Armenia's 'Electric' Protests
Pro-West NGOs, Armenian unrest and the destabilization of Russia
'Electric Yerevan' Will Not Change Armenia's Pro-Russian Orientation

Scandal in Kyrgyzstan After Protest Organizer Seen With US Diplomat
Виктор Янукович: интервью Би-би-си (полная версия) - BBC Russian
Lost in Translation, or What the BBC Cut From Their Yanukovych Interview

Verhandlungs-Marathon mit Griechenland: «Uns wird eine Art Affentheater vorgespielt»

US-Militär rüstet in Europa für einen Krieg auf.

Pentagon rewrites ‘Law of War’ declaring ‘belligerent’ journalists as legitimate targets

The Pentagon goes nuclear on Russia

Has Washington Gone Looney Tunes?

The Tsar's Photographer and His Amazing Contribution to the Preservation of Russian History!!!

G-4 – An Asian and European Peace with Enemy States?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership : A Free Trade Agreement?

Corruption in Unaccountable EU Bureaucracy Cancels Pesticide Bans

Europe: Victim of Its Own Sanctions

Russians Pay Less Tax Than You – And Other Surprising (?) Facts

Watch the German Foreign Ministry Condemn Russian Nukes, Then Praise US Nukes on German Soil (VIDEO auf Deutsch, engl. subtitles)

Rejection of Western-Style Democracy Has Been Key to Russia's Success

Media Coverage of Europe's Migrant Crisis Ignores Root Cause: NATO

Западный капкан гроссмейстера Путина
Grandmaster Putin's Golden Trap

22 June 1941: Nazi Germany treacherously attacked USSR
22 June 2015: Extension of EU sanctions against Russia, under the lead of… Germany!

Die Stunde der Opportunisten: Macht die Griechen fertig!

David de Rothschild wegen Betrug gesucht

The 9 countries with the most entrepreneurship

Michael Bernegger: Unfassbar schlampige Politik: Der Grexit als erster Akt der finalen Zerstörung der EU

MH 17 – Erschütternde Zeugenaussage: „Ich kannte den Piloten, der MH 17 abschoss“

Geht die USA beim Grexit pleite?

US police do not hire intelligent people: Ex-CIA contractor

Kiev Is Waking up to Just How Dangerous the Oligarch Kolomoisky Is

Ron Paul: Economy will soon have ‘day of reckoning… when you’ll see the very, very big crash’

Putin: Russia is not aspiring to superpower status, just wants to be respected

Michael Bernegger: Falsche Zahlen: Wirtschaftslage in Europa viel schlechter als angenommen
The Greek Tragedy and Its Solution (pdf)

Robert Parry: How Media Propaganda Works and Why I Fight It

Ukrainians Have Had Enough: 'In Kiev, One Gang Was Replaced With Another'

Russian Non-Invasion Causing Concern in European Capitals

US Weapons and Troops – Out Of Ukraine! Rally in Front of the US Embassy in Kiev

Keine russischen Hacker: Die meisten Cyber-Angriffe kommen aus den eigenen Reihen

Putin hat Zeit: Schwacher Rubel und EU-Sanktionen helfen russischer Wirtschaft

The envoy who said too much: Craig Murray

Putin's Ukraine Strategy Brilliantly Explained by Top Russian Politician (Video)

An American Oligarch‘s Dirty Tale of Corruption

Ron Paul Stunned That George Soros Seeks to Expand War in Ukraine

If This Video Doesn't End the War in Ukraine, Nothing Will

Washington, Kiev Open New Military Attack on Donbass Republics

Ukraine: What Remains of the Minsk Agreement?

The Western Backed Assault on Donbass Shattered My IIlusion of Living in a Compassionate, Humanist Society

Plünderung der Welt. Arroganz des Westens: Die Welt vom Gipfel aus regieren

Massiver Streit ausgebrochen. EU-Parlament verschiebt Abstimmung über TTIP

US Planned to Turn Crimea into Military Base Against Russia

Today Is "D-Day" and the "D" is for Donbass

Das grosse Netzwerk der #Bilderberger

Aufstandsbekämpfung im Inland (video)

Angst vor Rebellion? - US-Militär trainiert in 7 Bundesstaaten

French Journalist Condemns the French Government over Support for Assault on Donetsk
Лоран Браяр: я был в Донецке и я обвиняю правительство Франции

US Cries FIFA Foul to Penalise RussiaHacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master

All the Murdered People: This is what the US is doing in Ukraine [video]

Russia and China: Watch Out Moody’s, Fitch and S&P, Here We Come!

Iran Nuclear Deal: Another Moronic Attempt to Hurt Russia

Brot, Spiele und Lügen: Die EU taumelt in Richtung Untergang

Martin Luther’s pro-sex shocker: “Does the pope set up laws? Let him set them up for himself and keep hands off my liberty”

America’s never-ending war on poor people: Why “The Briefcase” is just the latest assault

Monsanto’s sick new power play: Why we could all be eating their GMOsNavy’s brutal new war on the ArcticThey’re all still lying about Iraq: The real story about the biggest blunder in American history — and the right wing’s obsessive need to cover it up The U.S.EU Dropped Pesticide Laws Due to U.S. Pressure over TTIP, Documents RevealNoam Chomsky: Why the Internet Hasn't Freed Our Minds -- Propaganda Continues to Dominate

Botschafter Grinin: Wir wollen kein „Russisches Reich“ errichten

Wikileaks: Bundeskanzleramt drängte Deutsche Telekom zur Überwachung

German Policy Makers Must Return to Earth Before It's Too Late

The 10 biggest lies you’ve been told about the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The New York Times does its government’s bidding: Here’s what you’re not being told about U.S. troops in Ukraine

Deconstructing the Ukraine War: The Players and Their Interests

Videos Show Non-Violent Protesters Murdered in Odessa Massacre
My Ukraine Died in the Odessa Massacre – R.I.P. Ukraine — May 2, 2014

USA: Retired judge unloads on hypocritical Supreme Court: “They’re talking out of both sides of their mouth”

NATO saber rattling: ‘When you need militarism, you invent threats to legitimize policy, budgets’

Ukraine: Alles – nur nicht in die Armee
en: Ukrainian Men Avoiding the Army at All Costs

Die Verräter sitzen in Berlin und der Feind in Washington

What’s Washington Doin’ in Central Asia Now?

The Lasting Pain from Vietnam Silence. Lengthy and thoughtful reflection on the senselessness of a hideous war by ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern

«Der Feind ist unbekannt»: USA wollen weltweit Truppen stationieren
en: America's Enemies are Unknown and Everywhere at the Same Time

The Neoconservatives: Tyranny's Fifth Column

Stratfor Economist: Russian Rating Agencies Have a Great Future

US Hypocrisy Over Ukraine and Saudi Arabia

U.S. State Department Pettier and More Vindictive than During Cold War

The Truth about the Conflict with Russia

US Meddling in Ukraine: A Tragedy of Historic Proportions

US-Finanzprophet Armstrong sagt Ende des Euro voraus

US “Grand Strategy” for war against China laid out

The American Century Is Over

Iraq turmoil today a consequence of 2003 invasion – ex-UN chief Annan

Who Is Ukraine's Stepan Bandera?Russland verstehen Der Kampf um die Ukraine und die Arroganz des Westens (Buch)
Немцев лишили штампов. В ФРГ вышла книга с критикой политики Запада в отношении России

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
Princeton-Studie als Warnung an Europa: USA sind keine Demokratie mehr
The Contradictions of the American Electorate
Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It MeansCranking Up The Rhetoric. Weaponizing InformationNew World Order: The Founding Fathers

A Letter of Apology to My Grandson

Lancet medical journal accused of ‘hate speech’ on Israeli aggression in Gaza

Europa zahlt den Preis für die US-Aggression

Wie sich Goldman Sachs die Welt untertan macht.

Starikov: "Poland’s goal is the return of lost territories"

‘Goldman advising on the economy like Dracula on running a blood bank’ – UK economist

Eurasia as We Knew it is Dead

The truth about the porn industry
Pornography as a Secret Weapon
Erotica: Pornography and the Dreadful Few (Part I)
Master of Porn: Systematic Promotion of Sexual Deviance (Part II)

Monsanto is Buying Lands

Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU

Graham Philips: Ukraine as I Knew It Is Over Forever

Regional Russian Court Bans Web Porn, Cites an Obscure International Treaty From 1910

Wie Künstler mit eigener Meinung bestraft werden

Korwin-Mikke: Maidan-Schützen in Polen ausgebildet

US Training Nazis in Ukraine, Western Media Providing Cover
US Troops to Leave Behind Equipment They Brought to Ukraine for Kiev's Use

Ukrainian historian Oles Buzina was killed for the truth about Ukrainian history

Ucraina, ucciso giornalista filorusso a Kiev. È il terzo omicidio politico in 24 ore. Lo sdegno di Putin
About, in English.

«Тайная история Украины-Руси», Бузина Олесь (по-русски) "The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus», Oles Buzina

Oles Buzina on media censorship in Ukraine and why he quit his post as editor-in-chief of a popular newspaper

Historian Andre Fursov: Oligarchical topography of Ukraine (Video with English subtitles)

Russia Specialist David Kerans: The West Is Trying to Drive a Wedge Between Russia and Eastern Europe

Obama Is Surrounded by a Gallery of Rogues

Damage Done In The Ukraine (Infographic)

Legendary US Journalist Robert Parry: Media Groupthink on Ukraine Is Extreme (Video 10 min)

The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow

Former French President: Crimea's Return in Accord with History

How EU's Role in Breakup of Yugoslavia Laid the Roots for Crimea's Secession from Ukraine

WHO-Studie: Roundup von Monsanto kann Krebs auslösen

Juden im Iran fühlen sich dort zuhause

Stratfor Founder: Russia “can endure things that would break other nations”

When Kiev Commits Crimes, the OSCE Looks the Other Way

Global Threat? US Policymakers Admit Iran is Defending Itself

Why Putin did not send the army into the Donbass?

Ukrainian-German Study Shows Crimea Referendum Was Fair

Professionelle Revolutionen. Die Drahtzieher: Geheimdienste stürzen missliebige Regierungen

The US wants war – on European soil

Primary Evidence Suggests Ukraine War Cost 25,000 Lives so Far. Who is responsible – the puppets in Kiew? For sure the puppet masters in Washington.

The American Empire is a Threat to Every Nation’s Security – Venezuela

Palestine is NOT the Jews’ Promised Land (new book)

How Crimea Became Part of Independent Ukraine and Tried to Break Free

Former Czech President: Maidan Not an Authentic Uprising

Poll Shows over 90% of People in Crimea Positive about Reunion with Russia

Stratfor report: America is working on a scenario of partitioning of Russia

The Shameful Truth of the Ukraine Civil War

Rampant Lying in German Media Exceeds Anything in UK or US Press

The East India Company: The original corporate raiders. William Dalrymple

Stratfor: USA wollen Russland mit hartem Kurs aus dem Nahen Osten drängen
Интервью по-русски: «Интересы РФ и США в отношении Украины несовместимы друг с другом»

Must watch: Ukrainian Deputy: US to stage a civil war in Ukraine! This was 20.11.2013!! BEFORE Maidan

Our dangerous new McCarthyism: Russia, Noam Chomsky and what the media’s not telling you about the new Cold War

Ron Paul: Ich bin nicht pro Russland, ich bin pro Fakten.

Obama: 'We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to'.

Ukraine’s Lower Class Military. / Не все равны перед смертью.

Two ways of terrorism: theirs v ours - Chomsky lambasts US for drone attacks and media deaths

US-General verleiht Medaillen an ukrainische Soldaten

500 Blackwater-Söldner in der Ukraine

A rundown of beliefs espoused by Ivan Ilyin, Russia philosopher who most influenced the current Russian president, Putin

Peculiarities of Russian National Character, by Dmitri Orlov

Die Uni Zürich hat für den 19.1.2015, Massenmörder, Kriegsverbrecher (Einsatz von geächteten Waffen, Krieg gegen Zivilbevölkerung), Selbstbereicherer (Oligarch) und notorischer Lügner Petro Poroschenko zu einem Vortrag eingeladen, genauer gesagt das Europainstitut.

Top US Consultant: Ukraine Coup Plotted by US Over Russian Stance on Syria (Stratfor)

Great Gorbachev Interview: Russia and Ukraine - 'We Are One People' (Video in Russian, English subtitles)

2015 Will See Decisive Battles. The Empire is Crumbling, That is Why it Needs War

Die Ukraine ist eine Kleptokratie der Oligarchen

Сергей Лавров: Украинские силовики готовят попытку силового решения конфликта в Донбассе (видео). Lawrow: Kiew will wieder losschlagen im Donbas

Ash Carter (new U.S. Secretary of Defense, 12.2014) predicted 9/11 and its aftermath

Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move? Lada Ray

China pledges to help Russia overcome economic hardships

Vineyard of the Saker White Paper: the China-Russia Double Helix
Free download of White paper

Princeton makes it official– USA Has Become Oligarchy, No Democracy.Wissenschaftliche Studie: USA sind keine Demokratie mehr.

Poroschenko bestätigt den gezielten Genozid an den Bevölkerung von Donbass

Poroshenko Promises Terror for East Ukraine

Frieden mit Russland. Jürgen Elsässer

US-Think-Tank: Krise in der Ukraine ist die Schuld des Westens
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

Prof. Emeritus Hal Lewis Resigns from American Physical Society – because of the global warming scam

The Falsified History of Ukraine and Its Lessons, by Lada Ray

The Real Crime of Michail Khodorkovsky (now living and preaching his lies in Switzerland)

Lada Ray: predictions on geopolitical trends

Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus: "US/EU Propaganda Against Russia Ridiculous"

Putin's Christian Vision

Western Media Suppression of MH17 Evidence Reveals Political Agenda

New MH-17 Crash Evidence Points to Kiev Involvement. Video

Handelsblatt DE):
Der Irrweg des Westens
The West on the wrong path
Ложный путь Запада

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa (en, Fotos) 2.5.2014. Dahinter der israelisch-ukrainische Ihor Kolomoisky, der auch in der Schweiz let (Genf?)? (de); ein Artikel im Tagesanzeiger (de). – Eine Hure nimmt jeden Kunden, solange er reichlich zahlt …

All Truth About Ukraine Crisis 2014 Odessa, Luhansk

Excellent US Mini-Documentary Details Kiev's Collusion in Odessa Massacre

Poroshenko: the people in the Trade Unions House (Odessa) had to be burnt in order to stop the separatists

MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag

Das Geld-Kartell: Wie die US-Notenbank die Weltfinanz manipuliert

USA: FEMA-Camps, Millionen Särge, und Milliarden Gewehrkugeln

Obama Quietly Orders One Billion Dollars Worth Of Disposable FEMA Coffins

On Western Terrorism From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare. Book by Noam Chomsky and Andre Vltchek

Wikipedia: «Wir» machen Meinung. Weiteres zu «Schwindelpedie»

Die gefährlichste aller Religionen (Video)

Germans Abandon Major News Sites in Anger Over Slanted Russia Coverage


Report: Recent US Wars Cost at Least 1.3 Million Lives

And the casualties, mutilated, displaced, the destroyed property, etc.? When somebody steals something, say for a 200 dollars, he goes to prison for maybe seven years in the U.S.A., but when the U.S. military destroys entire countries, her president gets the Peace Nobel Prize.

Noam Chomsky, prof. of linguistics MIT / Wiki Deutsch: (Aussprache: ˈˈtʃɑːmskɪ)
US is world’s biggest terrorist.

So the US is a terrorist rogue state – what's wrong with that?


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